Tuesday, June 26, 2007

About Us

Kay (I am the "Mother" part of this duo!)

I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I became overweight when I entered puberty and have dieted since then. I was made fun of- a lot. I used to hide from kids at lunch just so I wouldn't be teased. You just aren't acccepted if you are fat.

I started a roller coaster way of life from that point on--on a diet, lose weight, off the diet , gain weight--REPEAT!! My favorite diet was Weight Watchers. When my weight was up, I would go to Weight Watchers and carefully follow the plan and lose weight! Then I would quit and gain weight.

When we were stationed in Germany in 1972, I had really ballooned up.

That was when Dr. Atkins came out with his first book . I was in the Stars and Stripes Book Store on Post, when the sales clerk asked me if I wanted a diet. (ME, a diet?) I bought it and started immediately. I lost over 70 pounds quickly. This was sooo easy! I had no idea that I was so addicted to sugar. BUT, my success didn't last long. The Army doctors convinced me that the diet was unhealthy. So I returned back to the Gain/Lose Cycle.

This is my After picture.

More later on my journey.

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